It is a team project under course: Design for internet of things. By adding IoT devices into different gym equipments, we connected them into a IoT system to provide convenience and effectiveness to the users. There are intotal three equipments that we have built: medicine ball, boxing bag and the tile. After conduct the team project, I also explored how to enhance the user experience through mobilde devices by designing an app to make them even more connected to user's life.
My Tasks
• Conduct research to learn about product opportunities to apply IoT technology into gym.
• Built prototype for the medicine ball and tile together with teammates.
• Redesign of the Mobile Application Interface.
Initial Ideation
Various concepts are generated to use Internet of Things to make the trainning process become more transparent and personalized. Help both the trainer and trainee enjoy a more convenient experience.

Conduct Research
I visted the boxing gym together with my teammates to conduct interviews to learn about the needs from both tainers and trainees. Through interviews and experience the boxing gym by ourselves, we summarized some main needs from the users.

Based on what have been learnt from the users, we decieded that the product should address the following key points:
• Help trainers easily monitoring the training progress of multiple trainees during the training session
• Make the tracking of the trainig progress over time eaiser for both trainers and trainees
• Motivate the trainees to work out
Building the Prototype
