
User Research & Product Design & UI/UX

Aura is a integrated "desk" which includes both hardware and software to help sexual assault victims during the physical exam process to make the process be faster, easier, transparent and more comfortable. It is aimed to provide in time medical help to the victims and to encourage more victims go through the exam process to protect themselves and to persue their rights to take legal actions aganist the absuer.


Aaron Kurth, Chenyu Wang, Jacob Maxfield, Kana Panchmatia & Siddharth Suri

My Tasks

• Researched on current solutions
• Conducted interviews to gather insights and feedbacks to understand the user journey
• Generated concepts and built prototypes


Face the Problem

Sexual assault is a significant problem in our society and one that has been widely studied. Despite the large body of knowledge, solutions to reduce and deter unwanted sexual incidents are still being sought. Our preliminary background research focused on the most common assault environments, the offender’s psychology and habits, the effects on the victim, and the various issues reporting the assault.

Sexual assault is a significant problem in our society and one that has been widely studied. Despite the large body of knowledge.

Understand the Stakeholders & Problem Identification

SET (Social, Economic and Technology) Factors
Key Stakeholders & User Journey

explain the images to high light the points

explain the images to high light the points

explain the images to high light the points

explain the images to high light the points

By understanding the whole picture, map out the journey of the victims. It is impossible to predict where and when a sexual assault will occur. After an attack occurs and is reported quickly, a key to improving the process is efficiency. If that is done, the evidence and scene will be viable for forensic tests, and more offenders can be prosecuted. If the process is quicker and easier for the survivor, they can get treatment for injuries faster, unwanted pregnancy can be prevented, and through counseling, the reconstruction of the survivor’s mental state and life can begin. A high sexual assault arrest and prosecution rate is also a deterrent to opportunistic attackers, so not only could this effort improve the rate of conviction, it could also prevent new attacks.

Value Opportunity Analysis

Understand stakeholders' values: what attributes of products/services are most important and valuable for the key stakeholders

Identify Product Opportunities

Product Opportunity Gaps

TEll about the 60 pogs and how did we simplified into only 6 catgory and then select the final one througth the matric. what are the considerations for the matrix.

Decision Matrix To Select the Opportunity

• Time
Do we have enough time to finish this?
• User Access
Do we have the access to the user base?
• Feasibility
Will this be realistic to solve?
• Viability
Is this likely to substantially affect the user?

• Desirability
Would this user strongly desire this?
• Group interest
Are the team interested in this area for some reasons?
• Unique
Is this a novel area to explore?
• Impact on problem
Could a solution to this opportunity has a big impact?
• Group skills Does this opportunity fit into our group skills?

Understand stakeholders' values: what attributes of products/services are most important and valuable for the key stakeholders

Concepts Generation

Brainstorms & Concept Selection

We conducted 5-3-5 Brainstorm sessions (5 people each generate 3 ideas in 5 minutes x several rounds) Then we discuss, classify, refine the concepts and build on each other's concepts to generate new ones.

After putting concepts into different categories, we evaluted and selected among the concpets to find the solution which best address on the product opportunity gap and provide the most value to the users.

Prototyping & UI/UX & 3D Modeling

By conducting several rounds of iterations on both hardware and the interface, we designed an integrated "Desk" for conducting various examinations on the sexual assault survivors to help both the SANEs and the survivors go through the process faster and more comfortable. In addition, the "Desk" will also enable nurse to do other activies in their daily works in a more organized and easier way.

The product design

Feedbacks and Continuous Improvements

Visiting Hospital to gather feedbacks

We visted the hospital for several times to gather feedbacks from the nurses about how could we possible improve the usability and address the painpoints of both the nurses and the survivors.They are thinking the product will help them "take a lot of anxiety out of process" and "give the victim more control of how they are dealing with it..." after rounds of adjustments and variations. One of the major improvements that we hav done based on the feedback was to add the function that enable users to switch to different languages and to streamline the communication.


The process of conducting research to communicate with people from different backgrounds is a great learning process. Talking with people(e.g. victims), especially talking about topic like sexual assult, needs skills and practices to make conversations smoothly and comfortable to gather information.
Concepts generating and Prototyping process were very intensive. It was a great experience to work closely with teammates in a very fast-paced to come up with rounds of variations.